Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ever Felt Like Running Away?

Matthew 11:28-29 says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in my heart, and you will will find rest for your soouls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

There have been times in my life that I just wanted to give up. I just had enough! Sometimes the burdens of life just take over. I have felt frustrated, suffocated, and disgusted. Have you ever felt that way? Enough is enough, right? I felt if I could just get away from my husband, my kids, my job, I would get better. I would feel better, I would think better. Not true. Where ever we run or go, we take our burdens and baggage with us! We have to find relief before we go anywhere and from where does that relief come?

The word of God makes it clear that when you want to run away from your troubles, you can run to God. This is so amazing because God tells us that we can lay our burdens, our troubles before Him and leave them there. You can trust Him and receive the gift of eternal life He offers you. He will give you peace; give you rest.

A "yoke" is a heavy wooden harness that fits over the shoulders of an ox or oxen. It is attached to a piece of equipment that the oxen are to pull. There are things in life that will make you feel like you have a yoke around your neck.

A person may be carrying heavy burdens because of : (1) sin; (2) excessive demands of religious leaders; (3) family life; (4) persecution; (5)verbal or physical abuse; (6) or weariness in search of God.

Jesus frees us from all these burdens. The rest that Jesus promises is love, healing and peace with God. A relationship with God changes meaningless, wearisome toil into spiritual productivity and purpose. God encourages us to take His yoke upon us and learn from Him because He will give us rest for our souls.

The one thing I know for sure is that in Matthew 6:34, it says, " Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

God will give us sufficient strength each day for the challenges of that day...and that day only!

Thought for Today: If you are stressed and overwhelmed today, check your strength supply. Know that you can run to God and lay your burdens before Him. He will give you rest and peace.

Monday, January 25, 2010

What Does It Take To Make You Content?

1 Timothy 6:6-8 says, "but godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that."

It is often helpful to distinguish between needs and wants. We may have all we need to live but let ourselves become anxious and discontented over what we merely want. Like the Apostle Paul, we can choose to be content without having all that we want. The only alternative is to be a slave to our desires.

Our desires usually get us in trouble. If we focus on what we don't have, we can never appreciate what we do have. It is easier to look at the cup as empty rather than to look at the cup half full.

Today,I lacked contentment; my spirit was restless and I could not pinpoint the problem. There is no earthly thing that I desired but I kept telling myself that I needed to be doing something else, going somewhere else, and keep wondering what else is left in this life for me?

Here is the problem I finally realized. My focus was on myself instead of God. And the Bible says that "godliness with contentment is great gain." I had forgotten that quickly. I have to let myself decrease and let God increase so that God might receive the glory. My goal is to strive towards godliness so that I might gain the crown that awaits me.

How do I glorify God? I need to seek God's will, even in my thoughts, as our thoughts also can cause us problems.

2 Corinthians 12:9 states, "my grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."

I was having a pity party today. No reason, just not wanting to be happy. Not being thankful for all of God's grace. The grace He gives me when He allows me to see another day, to enjoy the niceness of warm weather we had here in Virginia today. I was being selfish and thinking only about myself. Again, the big "i" in sin allowed me to wander and concentrate on myself.

How can you be discontented when you ever need has been provided by God?

Well, no need to desire for riches because the Bible says, "People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. ( 1 Timothy 6:9)

We can chose to be content without having all that we want, and we have to be careful not to be a slave to our desires. The sad thing about a 'desire" is that it is never enough; you always want more. The "more" is what leads to destruction.

So, if you are like me, and feel yourself starting to feel discontented with your life, look to see if your cup is empty or if it is at least half full.

Thought for Today: God's grace is greater than our sin, and it alone satisfies all our needs.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Part II Why Is Jesus called the Good Shepherd?

Have you ever laid down your life for anyone? Jesus, the good shepherd, laid down his life for all who believed in Him.

In John 10:11, Jesus says, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for his sheep. Here sheep are believers and Jesus is the shepherd.

Yesterday, I talked about the characteristics of sheep and why they need a shepherd. Today, I want to talk about the characteristics of the good shepherd, taken from my Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) notes on our study of the book of John.

"Nine characteristics of the good shepherd are:

1) He knows who are his own.
2) His own sheep know Him as their shepherd
3) The good shepherd knows God perfectly
4) The good shepherd dies for the sheep
5) The good shepherd seeks not only Jewish sheep, but
Gentile sheep
6) The good shepherd is loved by His Father
7) The good shepherd always had the Cross and the Resurrection
in mind
8) The good shepherd obeyed His Father's command
9) The good shepherd had unique power over death"

(Taken from the book of John, verses 14-18)

Christ's death on the Cross made all believers a part of one fold, one flock, whether black, white, Asian or American, man or woman, educated or illiterate. He laid down his life so that He could take it up again.

Jesus was always obedient to the will of the father, even when he had doubts, he desired to please the Father, no matter what the cost.

False shepherds only want sheep for themselves and even try to harm them. They don't really care for the sheep committed to them. They are only interested in power, fame, position, and money, most of the time.

Here are some facts: at night, sheep were often gathered into a sheep pen to protect themselves from thieves, weather or wild animals. The sheep pens were caves, sheds, or open areas surrounded by walls made of stones or branches. The shepherd often slept in the pen to protect the sheep. Just as a shephered cares for his sheep, Jesus, the Good Shepherd cares for the flock (those who follow him). In the sheep pen, the shepherd functioned as a gate, letting the sheep in and protecting them. Jesus is the gate to God's salvation for us. He offers access to safety and security. Christ is our protector.

We have to be careful who we follow and whose voice we listen because a true shepherd genuinely cares for the sheep that are entrusted to Him. There are many deceivers in the world and as sheep we can easily be persuaded to follow the wrong shepherd.

Jesus said, "I know my sheep, and my sheep know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father---and I lay down my life for the sheep." John 10:14-15

Thought for Today: As disciples of Christ, we must be committed to lay down our lives for the brethren.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Why Is Jesus called the Good Shepherd? Part I

In my women's bible study program, we have been studying the book of John. In John 10:11, it says, speaking of Jesus, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep."

One of the things I always asked myself is why do sheep need a shepherd? There is so much symbolism in the bible, that just reading it without understanding would put you in "sheep" status. Dumb, stupid, gullible. Why is that? Well, let's look at some characteristics of sheep.

Characteristics of Sheep

1. timid, fearful, easily panicked
2. dump, stupid, gullible
3. easily influenced by a leader, by the shepherd
4. stampede easily, vulnerable to mob psycholog
5. little or no means of self-defense, can only run
6. easily killed by enemies
7. jealous, competitive for dominance
8. constantly need fresh water, fresh pasture
9. perverse, stubborn - wil insist on their own way
10. frequently look for easy places to rest
11. don't like to be sheared, cleaned
12. has very little discernment in choosing food or water
13. creatures of habit, get into "ruts"
14. need the most care of all livestock
15. need to be "on the move" need a pre-determined plan, pattern of grazing
16. totally dependent on shepherd for every need
22. need "rod and staff" guidance
23. too much wool can cause sheep to be easily "cast"
24. easily "cast" - flipped over on their back, will die of starvation if not
turned over by shepherd; helpless

With the proper guidance, care, and protection, sheep can survive. That is how we are as humans, when compared to sheep, we are dumb and helpless, but some people are comfortable with this. They desire to be wandering around, lost and without purpose. When you think about all these characteristics of sheep, you see why sheep are lost without a shepherd. The bible is our guide and we must guided by one who is sensitive and understands the sheep, a good Pastor, who knows the word of God and will not take advantage of the sheep.

But Jesus knew that sheep also were very valuable; many people frown on shepherds during Jesus' time because people then thought of them as lowly people; people without much worth.

The Bible tells us in Luke 19:10, "for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." Jesus desires that no one perishes. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

TheBible tells us over and over again that the sheep knows the voice of the Shepherd. This is why it was so important that Jesus' followers recognize His voice; so they will not be easily influenced by false leaders and be led astray. False leaders never had the interest of the sheep; only their own personal interest and that was to take advantage of the sheep.

I will be back tomorrow on what are the characteristics of a "good" Shepherd.

Thought for Today: If you don't know that you are a sheep, review the characteristics of a sheep and see which ones apply to you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How Do You Handle Temptation?

How can I overcome temptation? The Scriptures tell us that we all face temptations. In 1 Corinthians 10:13 it says, "No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man."

Perhaps this provides a little encouragement since there are so many types of temptations to which we are subjected. You cannot watch television or read a magazine, both which are telling you what to eat, what to wear, how to be sexy, what kind of car to buy, etc. It is most overwhelming! You ever tried to watch your favorite TV show only to be interrupted with 5 or 6 commercials? How can anyone ever be satisifed with themselves or their lives!

The Lord tells us, "Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Mark 14:38

Our flesh is control by our emotions and our eyes. What we see is usually what we think we want.

Watching means being aware of the possibilities of temptation, sensitive to the subtleties, and spiritually equipped to fight it. Because temptation strikes when we are most vulnerable, we can't resist it alone.

Prayer is essential because God's strength can shoreup our defenses and defeat Satan's power.

First Corinthians 10:13 also says that "God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand."

Temptation is the voice that tells us to fulfill a right desire in a wrong way, for a wrong reason, or at the wrong time. Of course, I had to check the dictionary to see how temptation is defined and it says that temptation is:

1) a desire or craving for something, especially something considered wrong;
2) incitement of desire;
3) cause for desire: somebody or something that tempts.

In times of great stress, we are vulnerable to temptation, even if we have a willing spirit.

Jesus gave us some examples of what to do to resist temptation: 1) pray to God; 2) seek support from friends and family; 3) focus on the purpose God has given us. God's purpose is serve Him and others.

We know from James 1:13 that God does not tempt us to sin. If He did, He would be acting contrary to His holy nature and against all other commandments in Scripture that tells us to avoid sin and flee temptation. In the Lord's prayer, Jesus included asking the Lord not to lead us into temptation as one of the things we are to pray for regularly.

Temptations are often trials, and God will not test us beyond our ability to bear and will always provide a way out for us. But sometimes He exposes us to Satans assaults for His own purposes, as in the case with Job and Peter. (Luke 22:31-32) Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert and there Satan tried to tempt him, but Jeus immediately made it clear to Satan, "that man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:1-4)

We need to renew our thinking as we are told in Romans 12:1-2. We need to no longeer think as the world thinks, or walk in the same way that the world walks. The flesh is never satisifed. So avoid the path of the world that leads us into temptation because our flesh is weak. We are easily carried away by our own lusts.

Matthew 5:29 gives some good advice: "If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of the body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. That sounds pretty severe! Sin is severe! Jesus is not saying that we literally need to remove body parts, but He is telling us that drastic measures should be taken to avoid sin.

Thought for Today: God promises that He won't allow us to be burdened with more temptations than we can bear. He is there is help us.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Faithful, Compassionate, and Loving

Psalm 145:8-9, 13-14 says,

"The Lord is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and rich in love,
The Lord is good to all;
He has compassion on all He has made."

"The Lord is faithful to all His promises
and loving toward all He has made,
The Lord upholds all those who fall
and lifts up all who are bowed down."

Sometimes when I think the burdens of life are more than I can bear and I wonder how I can go on, I go to the book of Psalms and the Lord speaks to me there.

"Most of the psalms are prayers, and most of the prayers include praise to God. Praise expresses admiration, appreciaiton, and thanks. Praise is often directed to God, and just as often the praise is shared with others. Considering all that God has done and does for us, what could be more natural than outbursts of heartfelt praise?

As you read the Psalms, note the praise given to God, not only for what He does---His creation, His blessings, His forgiveness---but also for who He is---loving, just, faithful, forgiving, patient."

Praise is what we do to show our appreciation toward a faithful, compassionate and loving God!

Psalm 145:20 says, "The Lord watches over all who love him."

God is the source of all our daily needs. He remains near to those who call on him. He hears our cries and saves us.

If you are bending under a burden and feel that you are about to fall, turn to God for help in prayer. He is ready to lift you up and bear your burden.

The Bible says, "Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)

"Carrying your worries, stresses, and daily struggles by yourself shows that you have not trusted God fully with your life. It takes humility to recognize that God cares, to admit your need, and to let others in God's family help you. Letting God have your anxieties calls for action, not passivity. Don't submit to circumstances, but to the Lord who controls circumstances."

Thought for Today: God is faithful to all that He promises. Give Him praise for being true to His Word!

Monday, January 18, 2010


We see WWJD on t-shirts, bumper stickers, bracelets, etc. - everywhere! But what does it really mean? How does it apply to us?

First of all, WWJD stands for "What Would Jesus Do?" It is a question that we ask ourselves before making a decision. If Jesus were here in this very circumstance, what would He do? How would He react?

However, this is an irrelevant question for those who do not know Jesus. People wear T shirts and wrist bands, etc. without truly learning about the life and teaching of Jesus and make life choices based on what They ---themselves---THINK Jesus should do, not what Jesus would do!

If we believe Jesus for who he claimed to be (God incarnate - John 1:1-3) and for what He did on earth (died for our sins - John 3:16), then we can truly accept Him as our Lord and Saviour. He will then come into our life and reveal himself to us in Spirit, allowing us to geniunely ask the question, "what would Jesus do?"

In Revelations 3:20, Jesus says,

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with me."

"God's word states several things that governed Jesus' life and how he reacted:

1) Jesus always obeyed His Father! (Luke 22:42) Since Jesus was sinless, He was always in full obedience to God. How do we know what god wants us to do? God always wants us to be obedient to His Word, the Bible. So if you are unsure what to do, study God's word.

2) Jesus was always truthful; he never lied or took advantage of anyone. In fact, Jesus encouraged us "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." (Matthew 5:44)

3) Jesus always thought of others and helped them. In fact, His mission on earth was one of service. Matthew 20:28 states "...the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Jesus ministry was full of helping the needy, healing sickness and disease, and caring for others. He always put others first!

4) Jesus always shared His Gospel message. Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus shared the reason He had come. His last words to His disciples commanded them to do the same. "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20)"

This message was taken from - whenever the Spirit of God brings to mind a subject that I feel needs researching, I search the web to see what is being said about a particular subject.

The reason for this search was my deep sadness over a statement made by a well known evangelist about the people of Haiti and their predicament, and his statement and I quote, "Haiti is suffering because of a "pact with the devil." When a minister of the cloth, a man of God who is responsible for preaching the word of God, makes a statement about God's people, for God did create the people of Haiti, just like he created me and you, I ask the question, "What Would Jesus Do?" And what would Jesus have said at a time like this. Would he sit in judgment over these poor people or would he reach out to them.

Jesus had compassion for all mankind and He did not judge anyone. Judgment is for the Father, God. One day, we all will stand before God and have to give an account. What will your account be on judgment day?

Except for God's grace and mercy, the United States could have been Haiti and would we want the world to think we made a pact with the devil or would we hope the world would have some compassion for us?

Thought for Today: Ask yourself: do I know Jesus and what, given the circumstances, would Jesus have said and done at a time like this?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Reaching Out in Faith

In the book of Hebrews, Chapter 11, verse 6, it says, "Without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him."

Chapter 11 is an important chapter in the book of Hebrews; mainly because it recites all of the saints who even though they didn't know where they were going, even though they could not visibly see God, they were obedient and followed where God was leading them. To follow and be obedient takes great faith.

I bet you are wonderng how do you follow what you can't see? The first thing would be to believe that God exists.

Believing that God exisits is only the beginning; even the demons believe that God exists. (James 2:19-20)

Other ways we follow is we pray and we open the Bible and start reading. Our faith increases, the more we pray and study the Word of God. Attend a church where the Word of God is being preached. Faith comes simply by hearing it. (Romans 10:17)

True faith involves a commitment of your whole self to God.

True faith always results in a changed life and good deeds. Not just doing good, but changing your life to be the holiness of God.

When you take the promises and truths in His Word and declare them out loud, you'll sense your faith increasing.

In the Power of a Praying Woman, the author states that "praying increases our faith as well because it's how we reach out and touch God." At one point, the Bible tells us that a woman reached out to the Lord believing that if she just "touched the hem of His garment" she could be healed. Jesus told her that her faith had made her well, and she was healed at that very time (Matthew 9:20-22).

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1)

Two words describe faith: sure and certain. These two qualities need a secure beginning and ending point.

The beginning point of faith is believing in God's character --- He is who He says. The end point is believing in God's promises --- He will do what He says.

When we believe that God will fulfill His promises even though we don't see those promises materializing yet, we demonstrate true faith. (John 20:24-31)

Some people think they would believe in Jesus if they could see a definite sign or a miracle. But Jesus says we are blessed if we can believe without seeing. (John 20:29)

A physical appearance would not make Jesus any more real to us than He is now. We have all the proof we need in the words of the Bible and the testimony of believers.

Today is a the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! Share your testimony and help a non believer to have faith. You can look back over your life and see how God has been there even when you could not see Him.

Thought for Today: Look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

Friday, January 15, 2010

God Bess You!

Have you ever wondered what people mean when they say, "God bless you" or " Have a blessed day?" Are they just saying or repeating something they learned in church or do they have a full understanding of what it means to be blessed.

One thing for certain, every time I look out at the traffic on I-395, I know I am blessed! I am blessed to be retired and not have to be stucked in all that traffice! What a blessing that is!

Let's look at what it means to be blessed. Taken from the Ancient Hebrew Research Center, the ancient Hebrew word "bless" means "barak," as seen in Genesis 12:2, which can also mean "kneel" a seen in Genesis 24:11. A related Hebrew word is "berakah" meaning a blessing or a gift or present. From this we can see the concrete meaning behind barak in the sense of a blessing. It is to bring a gift to another while kneeling out of respect. The extended meaning of this word is to do or give something of value to another. God "blesses" us by providing for our needs and we in turn "bless" God by giving him of ourselves as his servants."

The dictionary defines the word, "bless" as the following:

1) to praise, celebrate with praises;
2) to invoke blessings;
3) to consecrate a thing with solemn prayers
4) to ask God's blessing on a thing
5) to pray God to bless it to one's use
6) to cuse to prosper, to make happy
7) to bestow blessing on favoured of God

I think I like the last definition, "to bestow blessing on favoured of God. I was always taught that God bestows blessings on us so that we can be a blessing to others.

Another definititon I found of the word, "blessed" is happy,or wonderful; praiseworthy; bringing pleasure or divine favor. Divine favor meaning favor from God who is divine. So all my blessings were divine because I came into this world with nothing. God does not bring us into the world with money or wealth; some of us inherit wealth from our parents, but we didn't come here with it.

I love to 'google" words and I tried to search for "what does it mean to be "blessed" Oddly, nothing came up, but definitions. Maybe I don't use the best search engines, but I have a couple I use; I don't exhaust the internet, but I do go straight to the Word of God.

The concordance in my Bible led me to some Scriptures. I am not going to recite the entire book of Genesis, but in Genesis 5:2, it states that "God created them male and female and blessed them. " God told Abraham, the father of our faith, in Genesis 12:3, I will bless you, and whoever curses you, I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." In Genesis 18:18, God tells Abraham, "you will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through you."

It was always God's purpose to bless man; to provide and protect him.

Just a few other scriptures about God's purposes towards man:

Psalm 119:1 states, "Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord. God has expectations of us and we are to be a holy people, obedient to His word.

Psalm 119:2 goes on to say, "Blessed are those who keep his statues and seek Him with all their heart." God can be found if we seek Him with all our heart, and keep His commandments. We can't find God if we come to him with unclean hearts.

God reminds us that His yoke is easy; what He expects of us is just obedience, and obedience has its rewards and blessings. Just as we reward our earthly children when they are good; God also wants to reward us as His children.

The last Psalm 112:1 that stays on my heart, says, "Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in His commands." I delight in His law; it is my desire to respect God for all that He has done in my life. We are to tell people how God has blessed us.

Thought for Today: If you respect God's blessings, you must revere Him, and gladly obey Him. God blesses us to be a blessing. Be a blessing to someone today.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Boldness in our Testimony

Acts 4:20 states that "we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard."

Christians sometimes are afraid to share their faith in Christ because people might feel uncomfortable and might reject them. But the Apostles Peter and John's zeal for the Lord was so strong that they could not keep quiet, even when threatened. If your courage to witness for God has weakened, pray that your boldness may increase.

Remember Jesus' promise, "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven." (Matthew 10:32)

I wanted to get right to the point because many Christians are afraid or nervous about witnessing. Perhaps the reason is they are not confident enough about what they believe to share it with another person. Well, we are way behind the other religious groups who make it a requirement for their members to witness.

A "witness" is someone who attests to a fact, so in order to be an effective witness for Christ, one must have first-hand knowledge of Him. Perhaps that is where we fall short. We don't have a first hand knowledge of Him. What we do have is what we have asked of God in prayer and that which He has answered in prayer.

Well, here some things that might help to be effective witnesses, taken from Got Questions Ministries and I quote:

" 1) The theme of our witness is Jesus Christ. An important part of the theme is the fact that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. John 14:6 says that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and that no one comes to the Father except through me.

2) The power of our witness is the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit who transforms a life and a transformed life is evident to all. As we witness, we should spend much time in prayer, appropriating the Spirit's power so that we are enabled to let our light shine in such a way that othres will recognize the power of God in us. (Matthew 5:16)

3) The validity of our witness will be shown in how we live our lives. The effective Christian witness will live his/her life above reproach in the power of the Holy Spirit, whose fruit we exhibit when we remain in Christ (John 15:1-8; Galatians 5:22-23)

Most importantly, we must be familiar enough with the Scriptures to be able to accurately and coherently present the gospel to others. "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." (1 Peter 3:15)"

The bible further states this: "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15)

To handle the word of truth correctly, we must study what the Word of God says so we can understand what it means. In this way, we will have boldness and confidence and we can do what pleases God.

Thought for Today: One thing about God is this: if He gives you an assignment, He will equip you to do it. Get prepared; stay in the word and pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance. You will be surprise that at the right time, and the right place, you will be able to speak the truth of the Gospel.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Tragedy of Haiti

I am watching more TV than I would like to admit, but only to grab the headlines. One of today's headlines was the earthquake tragedy of Haiti. What a shock!

I am wondering why does God allows this type of tragedy to occur. The tragedy of New Orleans is still fresh in my mind. I am wondering is God prejudice. Did these people do something or did they not do something?

It is difficult to question God, but God does allow us to question Him, to even be angry with Him. Many persons in the Bible were angry with God; Job questioned God when God allowed Satan to take him. Job was highly favored with God; he was so highly favored that God told Satan that" Job was blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil." (Job 2:3) Even though Job was highly favored by God, God still tests us to see if we will be faithful to him.

Moses was also angry with God; he questioned why God would bring the Israelites into the desert and allow evil to befall them. But God does not desert us even in our tragedies. He is in complete control of the universe.

The issue of suffering is the most common argument against religion. People often ask, "If there is a loving god, why does He make people suffer?" I believe that God is love. I don't believe that God causes sickness or pain or tragedies. He doesn't make people hurt, and He doesn't want them to suffer. The life of Jesus proved this. Jesus was compassionate and cared about people. His entire ministry was one of love.

But the questions are these: can't God do something about these natural disasters, and why doesn't He do something about them? Does He send suffering to punish us?

You know I used to ask these questions all the time but I could not find answers to them. I do know that God makes it clear in His word, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaish 55:9)

"The people of of Israel were foolish to act as if they knew what God was thinking or planning. His knowledge and wisdom are far greater than man's. We are foolish to try to fit God into our mold - to make his plans and purposes conform to ours." How could the creation possibly know what the Creator was doing?

These acts of disaster are devastating to mankind, but even in their devastation God can make something good out of them. God allows sufferng so that our faith in Him will grow, our compassin for others will increase, and we 'll be better able to encourage other hurting people (2 Corinthians 1:3-5)

The more we suffer, the more comfort God gives us. We must remember that every trial or tragedy that we endure will help us to comfort other people who are suffering similar troubles. Maybe it won't be a earthquate like in Haiti or a hurricane like in New Orleans, but we all have some kind of tragedy in our lives that we have to cope with and only God can give us the strength to endure it.

Thought for Today: God is faithful. His strength is sufficient for any trial. When trials come, they keep us from pride and teach us dependence on God. He comforts us so we can comfort others.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"I'll Be There" - Song Performed by Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson had to be the most popular pop star in the world. I keep saying I don't watch TV much but I like to look at the TV guide to see if there is anything I really want to watch. Michael Jackson is all over the TV guide. A number of shows are dedicated to him. There are so many documentaries, that it is unbelievable!

I keep wondering why God is not as revered as Michael Jackson and he was only a human! A human that God created.

One of the most popular songs that Michael Jackson made when he was a little boy was "I'll Be There." I have always loved this song and yesterday morning, the radio was playing this song by Michael Jackson. The song goes like this:

"You and I must make a pact, we must bring salvation back,
Where there is love, I'll be there.

I"ll reach out my hand to you, I'll have faith in all you do,
Just call my name and I'll be there."

"Where there is love, I'll be there" keep ringing in my head all day. I keep wondering if Michael Jackson felt the love of God when he was singing this song. Was he separated from the love of God? Did he feel God's love? Did he understand the meaning of what he was singing or was he just singing words that were given to Him by a song writer.

This what God says to us, "where there is love, I'll be there." God continuously tell us in his Word that He is love and if we love Him, then He is there.

The Bible says, "We have come to know and believe the love God has for us. God is love. If you live in love, you live by the help of God and God lives in you." 1 John 4:16 and continues in Jeremiah 31:3, where "the Lord came to us from far away, saying, "I have loved you with a love that lasts forever. So I have helped you come to Me with loving-kindness."

The only true love a man has ever know - love that is pure, unconditional, steadfast, and everlasting - has come from God. He has loved you longer and stronger than anyone has, more than your parents, your friends, your wife, your husband, your children, or anybody else. God's love has been coming your way since before you were conceived.

However, God has felt the pain of separation every time you've been distracted from him by the people and things in your life.

I have a deep sadness over the way we revere athletes and entertainers, and we don't revere God the same way. The stadiums are full; the movie theaters are full; the concerts are all full with people just waiting to see athletes, actors, actresses, and singers. All of whom received their natural gift from God.

The greatest love a man will ever experience is the bond between himself and God. When you honor God's perfect love for you by putting your relationship with him above all else and revering him alone, your connection with him will remain strong. God has constantly remindd us that He is a jealous God and will have no other gods before Him.

The song goes on to say, "Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter, Togetherness, well that's all I'm after, Whenever you need me, I'll be there. I'll be there to protect you, with an unselfish love I respect you, Just call my name and I'll be there.

Another favorite scriptures of mine can be found in the book of Jeremiah 29:11-13, where the Lord says, "for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then You will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

In the Word of God, you have guarantees; you have promises that God cannot go back on; it is not just empty words of a song to make you feel good for a moment. It is a love of a lifetime that you can depend on. God is always there for you and He will protect you if you trust Him with all your heart.

Thought for Today: God never forgets His people; He wants to make a pact with you, and you can call upon Him with confidence and assurance.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Be Careful of the "G" Word!

Good Morning! I will be taking Sundays off from writing but today I want to start right on in because this subject has been on my mind all weekend. Please forgive me, I don't dot every "i," or cross every "t," I just try to share what's on my mind.

The mouth, so I have been told, is one of the dirtiest part of the body. The mouth, as I heard Evangelist Joyce Meyers say, carries life or death in it. Words of encouragement or words of discouragement. I never knew how dangerous the mouth was until I learned how to be quiet and just listen to everything and everyone around me.

When I was younger, I had my mouth going all the time, and would engage in a lengthy conversation sometimes. As I matured, I find that after 5 or 10 minutes ,I have had enough of a conversation, or at least, my participation in it. Occasionally, I will talk longer if the Word of God is being discussed. Mostly I am quiet now and want to hear what others are saying.

That big "G" word is dangerous! GOSSIP! I was reading in the notes of my Bible and it stated that the Hebrew word for "gossip" is "whispering that is damaging; one who reveals secrets; one who goes about as a talebearer or scandal-monger." Proverbs 26:28 states this, "...wherever there is no talebearer, strife ceases." Gossip keeps trouble going and their are many who gossip who enjoy trouble and what it does to another person.

A gossiper lacks self-control, and when you lack self-control, you lack self-esteem. A person who gossips cannot like themself or any one else.

The Bible encourages us to run from evil. We should run from a person who gossips.

I have seen the damaging effects of gossip. I have seen friends and family members talk about each other. Your own family member will lie on you! Ouch! That hurts.

Gossip is a contagious, infectious disease. It just spreads all out of control; the story gets twisted and it is never truthful. As Christians we need to strive for the truth. We can't control our mouths on our own, but with God's help and strength, we can try to stop.

The real bad thing about gossip is that the person who is gossiping cannot see their own imperfections. They believe that they are perfect. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ was the only perfect person that God created. Proverbs 30:12-13 states that "there are people who are pure in their own eyes, but are not washed from their own dirt."

Isaiah 5:21 says, "it is bad for those who are wise in their own eyes, and who think they know a lot!"

Gossip makes one person feel more superior than another or more superior to another.

A gossiper is a person who has privileged information about people and proceeds to reveal that information to those who have no business knowing it. Gossip is distinguished from sharing information in two ways:

1. Intent. Gossipers often have the goal of building themselves up by making others look bad and exalting themselves as some kind of repositories of knowledge.

2. The type of information shared. Gossipers speak of the faults and failings of others, or reveal potentially embarrassing or shameful details regarding the lives of others without their knowledge or approval. Even if they mean no harm, it is still gossip.

In the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul reveals the sinful nature and lawlessness of mankind, stating how God pour out His wrath on those who rejected His laws. Because they had turned away from God's instruction and guidance. He gave them over to their sinful natures. The list of sins includes gossips and slanderers (Romans 1:29b-32). We see from this passage how serious the sin of gossip is and that it characterizes those who are under God's wrath.

If you see your mouth causing you to sin, you should just close it. Keep it shut.

The Bible tells us that a "a perverse man stires up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends." (Proverbs 16:28) Many a friendship has been ruined over a misunderstanding that started with gossip. Those who engage in this behavior do nothing but stir up trouble and cause anger, bitterness, and pain among friends. Sadly, some people thrive on this and look for opportunities to destroy others. And when such people are confronted, they deny the allegations and answer with excuses and rationalizations. They can't see the wrong they are doing and rather than admit wrongdoing, they blame someone else or attempt to minimize the seriousness of the sin. "A fool's mouth is his undoing, and his lips are a snare to his soul. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man's inmost parts." Proverbs 18:7-8

I watched a woman who was celebrating her 110th birthday on television the other day, and they asked her the key to her longetivity and she said, "Mind your business, and go to church!" Maybe longetivity is not your thing, but since we can't control how long we are to live, I think she gave some good advice.

Thought for today: May we all follow the Bible's teaching on gossip by keeping our mouths shut unless it is necessary and appropriate to speak. Try to focus on God more and less on yourself or others. Just mind your business and go to church!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Need a Breakthrough?

I am not very good at keeping New Year's resolutions. My intentions are always good, but by February, I am back to the same old business as usual. Have you ever wondered why resolutions are so hard to keep? Well, in my case, I lack discipline.

I would like a breakthrough in some areas of my life. One of the ways to get a breakthrough is to pray. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Now I am pretty faithful in the area of praying; I have made it a habit of praying daily.

Well, let me confess, as confession is good for the soul. I have also enjoyed eating food and I have made alot of excuses for doing it. Somehow as I age, eating has become a detriment. It has affected my health, my weight, and sometimes has been too much of an occupation with me. I can't seem to stay out of the grocery stores. Love grocery stores. But this year, I am trying to turn over a new leaf.

There is a book I have started reading by Jentezen Franklin, a well known author and pastor of a church in Georgia. His book is entitled "Fasting," and I will be quoting from his book.

I have read other booklets on fasting, and tried it for about 6 months or more, for just one day of the week and was slightly successful. In Dr. Colbert's book on "Toxic Relief" states, "We may be actually starving from a nutrional standpoint, while at the same time becoming grossly obese...Sadly, we really are digging our graves with our forks and knives!"

Dr. Colbert states that "fasting is a dynamic key to cleansing your body from a lifetime collection of toxins, reversing overnourishment and the diseases it brings and ensuring a wonderful future of renewed energy, vitality, longevity, and blessed health."

I have seen Dr. Colbert several times on Christian television. He sells lots of books on the subject of dieting and has a good medical practice treating people with eating problems.

One of the things I like about Pastor Franklin's book is that he recommends fasting in the beginning of the year, in the month of January, for 21 days. Now I do real good with diets and resolutions in the month of January so maybe this is something I need to try. I want to cleanse my body, which is the temple of God, from all those toxins I keep digesting. I need to crucify my flesh and depend on God more.

Pastor Franklin says in his book, "Supposedly, there are three reasons starting the year with a fast is a good practice. First, by doing so, you set the course for the rest of the year. Just as beginning your day with prayer sets the course for the rest of the day and covers anything that may happen, the same is true of beginning the year with a fast. Secondly, "blessings will happen for you and your family throughout the year because you fasted in January." The third point is so powerful. When you fast at the beginning of the year and pray, you release the principle found in Matthew 6:33: "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.""

I am really going to see if I can put his suggestions into practice because I have seen how gluttony has hurt many people. The Bible speaks of many who were hurt as a result of their love for food. Adam and Eve, Esau, and the Jews wandering around in the desert.

The discipline of fasting releases the anointing, the favor, and the blessing of God in the life of a Christian.

Biblical fasting is refraining from food for a spiritual purpose. Fasting has always been a normal part of a relationship with God. Sometimes when we need a breakthrough and we aren't able to do it ourselves, we must seek the help of the Holy Spirit and do like King David did, in Psalm 42:1, he says "As the deer pants for the water brook, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God."

Thought for the day: If you seek God first in the year, get ready for all those "things" to be added to your life throughout the rest of the year.

Friday, January 8, 2010

A Baby Named Love

Good morning, good morning! Praise the Lord this morning! For God is good and his mercies endureth forever!

Yesterday was a little busy for me and I did not get a chance to post a new message. The Holy Spirit led me this morning to a baby named Love. Our newest granddaughter is named Love and she has been under the weather with a bad cough and cold and needed a lot of our love yesterday.

I am reminded of why my daughter and her husband named their daughter, Love and I will share that with you in a minute. Isn't love what all of us are seeking? In some form or another, some us go seeking love in the wrong places, at the wrong time and with the wrong person. God reminds us throughout His word that He loves us. What greater love is that? That the Father, our Creator, loves us, and mostly, we don't deserve it. We didn't do anything to earn His love, He just loves us unconditionally, with no strings attached.

In today's world, people put conditions on love; I will love you if you do this or that; some have prenuptial agreements because they attached love with money; some pay for love, or is that called lust. What is a real love? There are few scriptures that come to my mind.

The Bible tells us in Romans 12:9-10 "be sure your love is true love. Hate what is sinful. Hold on to whatever is good. Love each other as Christian brothers. Show respect for each other."

In the book of 1 John 4:7-8, it states, "dear friends, let us love each other, because love comes from God. Those who love are God's children and they know God. Those who do not love do not know God because God is love."

Real love is God...for God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. Whoever puts his trust in God's Son will not be lost but willhave life that lasts forever. John 3:16

So when my daughter and their husband named their chld Love, and when they get upset with each other, they have only to look at this child they named and for which they named her and be mindful of the scriptures in 1 Corinthians 13:4- 8 that says,

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

It also reminds my husband and I that after 35 years of marriage, almost 36 years soon, that we too must cherish the Word of God for the direction that the Word gives. The Bible is replete with God's commands on love. It's a major theme throughout the entire Bible.

When we love the way God tells us to love, we love Him. If we love Him, then we have to love each other.

Our society confuses love and lust. Unlike lust, God's kind of love is directed outward towards others, not inward toward ourselves. It is utterly unselfish. This kind of love goes against our natural incinations. It is possible to practice this love only if God helps us set aside our own desires and instincts, so that we can give love while expecting nothing in return. Thus the more we become like Christ, the more love we will show to others.

We are truly blessed to have a baby named Love in our family, as a reminder of the love God has for us, and the love we are to have for one another. A day does not go by when I look at her that I reminded of this kind of love.

Thought for Today: Make sure your love is geniune. Put God first, and then love one another. Respect each other; be kind. That's real love!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Complete Joy

I like study bibles because they give you commentary on scriptures and help define meaning.

In my study bible, it discusses the meaning of happiness, and it states, "the word happiness evokes visions of unwrappping gifts on Christmas morning, strolling hand in hand with the one you love, being surprised on your birthday, or vacationing in an exotic locale.

Everyone wants to be happy; we make chasing this elusive ideal a lifelong pursuit: spending money, collecting things, and searching for new experiences.

But if happiness depends on our circumstances, what happens when the toys rust, loved ones die, health deteriorates, money is stolen, and the party is over? Often happiness flees and dispair sets in. In contrast to happiness stands joy.

Running deeper and stronger, joy is the quiet, confident assurance of God's love and work in our lives --- that He will be there no matter what.

Happiness depends on happenings, but joy depends on Christ."

Can you be content in the joy of the Lord? Ever heard the expression, "don't let them steal your joy!" I know I tell my children this often, "beware of the enemy, who like a thief, wants to steal your joy." The thief, of course, being Satan, who iwants to constantly attack a child of God.

Rejoicing or joy appears 16 times in the book of Philippians. The Apostle Paul who was the author of this book felt it so important that he mentioned it 16 times! Wow! This book is subtitled into four chapters where Paul discusses 1) joy in suffering; 2) joy in serving; 3) joy in believing; and 4) joy in giving. We are to have joy in all these areas.

In a life dedicated to serving Christ, Paul had faced excruciating poverty, abundant wealth, and everything in between. Whatever circumstances he found himself in, the Apostle learned to be content, finding real joy as he focused all his attention and energy on Christ.

Philippians 4:4-6 are scriptures well know to many of us, and it states: "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again, Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Thought for Today: May we share Paul's aspiration and seek to know Jesus Christ more and more. Rejoice and rededicate yourself to finding joy in Christ.

Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm Upset, You Should Be Too!

I try hard not to be distracted with things of this world, and this is why I sometimes refuse to read the newspaper or listen to the news or the radio, or any other news medium. I get upset, and you should too!

In The Washington Post, Monday, January 4, 2010 edition, I noted the front page headlines. Usually if I want to read the newspaper, I look at the headlines first to see if there is anything of interest. One of the front page headlines stated: "Law allows companies to hide risks of chemicals." Well, of course, this stimulated my interest and I decided to read the article.

The article states that "of the 84,000 chemicals in commercial use in the United States - from flame retardants in furniture to household cleans, nearly 20 percent are secret, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, their names and physical properties guarded from consumers and virtually all public officials under a little known federal provision.

The policy was designed, the article goes on to say, 33 years ago to protect trade secrets in a highly competitive industry.

Under the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act, manufacturers must report to the federal government new chemicals they intend to market. But the law exempts from public disclosure any information that could harm their bottom line.

Now, this disturbs me because we are suppose to respect those who are in authority over us. How does the United States Congress pass a bill that says that manufacturers need to report new chemicals they intend to market but exempts information from the public that would harm the manufacturers bottome line? How does the Congress protect one group over another group of people?

Something is wrong with this picture. I am starting to get upset. I thinking I should be reading the paper more; I should set up a committee to protest this unjustice. Well, I just face facts I can't fix everything and one of the reasons I run to pray and study the Word of God is because I know that there is one who is greater, one who sees and knows all things, one who is omnipresent, omnipotent, and is in complete control.

This is one burden that needs to be laid down before the Lord. How can the average consumer protect himself if he doesn't know what is in a product he might use if the government allows the manufacturers to not disclose in order to protect their bottom line. So they can continue to make money off consumers and not be required to disclose.

Proverbs 31:8-9 says, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice."

We have a moral obligation and a command from God to speak up! There are people who may not have access to a newspaper or maybe they are like me, just don't want to read the newspaper, fearing there is some bad news in it. God doesn't let us off the hook so easily, we have to "speak up" so that justice will prevail and people will not get crushed. We are to be accountable! I am concerned and the Bible reminds me, "Give all your worries to Him, because He cares for you."( 1 Peter 5:7)

One things about the Word of God is this: it is truthful, it does not conceal, it does not try to benefit for its own good, it is no respecter of persons, and it is good for all those who read it.

Thought for today: You have a choice, you have free will. To whom will you take your case? To whom can you depend upon? Your legislator or the Master? In the morning, I am going to the Master, who is the final judge and arbitrator and who has complete control over this world we live in.

God's Grace is Sufficient

I am very much like the Apostle Paul in my suffering; however, not in anything else other than my zeal to know God better.

The Apostle Paul had a thorn in his side, and on several occasions, he asked God to remove it. Now I don't know nor does the Bible tell us why God didn't remove it, but God chose not to do so. Well, I suffer with arthritis, and every morning, I wonder if I am going to get out of the bed. I have prayed about my arthritis and asked God if he could just take it away from me. I still have it! So let examine why God doesn't remove things when we ask Him.

Well, one of the reasons I am certain, is it is not in His plan for me nor for the Apostle Paul. Not in his plan. Wow! Well what is His plan? I feel God wants to demonstrate His power in me even though He won't remove my physical affliction. God is so powerful that He is going to use my affliction to His glory.

The Word of God says in 2 Corinthians 12:9, that "my grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."

God is not going to take away my pain, but He plans to use it to glorify Himself. His grace alone is all that I need to live with my arthritis. I got up and the blood started flowing; I moved around a little more, and the joints started moving. How good is that? That even in my pain, God still strengthens me for the work He has for me to do.

What work is that? Getting down on my knees and thanking Him for another day that I can see and rejoice in! I talk to Him and He talks to me. I get up off my knees. Thank you, Jesus, that I can still get up! I rush to the dining room table where all Bible and devotional materiasl are and I search for the Word that God has for me this day! I don't turn the TV or radio on, or rush to read the newspaper. See I know that God is in control of this universe, so the things of this world don't interest me as much as searching the Word of God.

God has a word for us every day. The Bible says that, "for the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)

The word of God is not simply a collection of words from God, a vehicle for communicating ideas; it is living, life -changing, and dynamic as it works in us. The word of God is dynamic! It is like a stick of dynamite - it is explosive! Somthing is suppose to go off in us when we read the Word of God.

With the incisiveness of a surgeon's knife, God's Word reveals who we are and what we are not.. It penetrates the core of our moral and spiritual life. It discerns what is within us, both good and evil. The demands of God's Word require decisions. We must not only listen to the Word, we must also let it shape our lives!

In Hebrews 4:13, it says "nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must all give an account." God will expect us to give an account to Him on judgment day.

God sees and knows everything about us. There is no where we can hide from his view. A poem I read says it plainly: "I searched with all my heart to know if God was really there: He graciously revealed Himself. His mercy, love, and care." He allows us to see another day; he loves us in spite of our sinful nature, and he cares so deeply for us that He let his Son, Jesus, come and die for our sins.

So even though we have difficulties in life and mull over them in our minds, I encourage you to change your thought pattern and instead focus on God. We as believers in Christ have a place to take these burdens. The Word of God says, "Cast all your care upon the Lord, for He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

Isn't it fantastic that we have a God who cares for us; who already knows our problems, and that He has given us enough grace for whatever we face.

Thought for today: God has a purpose and a plan for our lives. He will get us through every trial and tribulation as we trust Him with our life. God will receive the glory!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What is Born Again?

Often you hear people say that they are "born again". Born again of what? Well, I am also one of those people! Before Jesus came into my life, I was a sinner. We are all sinners from the moment we are conceived, straight from our mother's womb. I was born void of God.

Now my blog is just that, my blog. You don't have to agree with me, nor believe what I am saying, but before Jesus came into my life, I was wandering around lost. Can you imagine what it is to be lost and not knowing where you are going or how you are going to get there?

Here is the story: there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, who came to see Jesus at night; he knew that Jesus was a teacher come from God and he asked Jesus the question: How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? Of course, Nicodemus, like most of us, was thinking of a physical birth.

But Jesus answered, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again." (John 3:1-7)

To understand this biblical term, it is necessary to understand that there are two births. The first birth is the physical birth when you were born into this world from your mother and father. When the Bible speaks of being "born of water," it is speaking about the physical birth (not baptism). The second birth is a spiritual birth, which means to be born of the "Spirit" (God's Holy Spirit). So why does a person need to born spiritually?

There are many and different interpretations of why a person needs to be born spiritually, so I want to share this one with you.

The Bible teaches that man is created in the image of God. God manifests Himself to mankind in the Persons of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Likewise, mankind is composed of a body, soul, and spirit. Our body is the "tent" you could say of the soul and spirit (the body is a temporary dwelling place). Our soul is composed of the heart (to feel), the mind (to think), and the will (to decide).

Our spirit is dead in sin when we are born; that is, we are born void of God. The only exception is the Lord Jesus Christ who cam as God in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16). Our spirit is dead in trespasses and sin. (Ephesians 2:1-2).

The unsaved person cannot understand God, nor His Word...for the bible says, "but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned? (1 Corinthians 2:14). Aperson cannot understand the Bible without the presence of the Author, and God is the Author. When you become born again, God's Holy Spirit comes into your body, never to leave, and you will understand many new things for the first time in your life.

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17)

The reason why you need to be "spiritually" born is because you have nevery been spiritually born to begin with. So when the Bible speaks of being "born again," it actually means "born for the second time." You were born physically into this world, but you were born without the Spirit of God in your soul (spiritually dead).

Adam and Eve had the privilege of living in the Garden of Eden where God had placed them, but like many of us, they wanted to be like God, and they disobeyed him. Adam and Eve didn't die physically the day they ate the fruit and disobeyed God's command. They were banned from the garden and lost favor with God. They died spiritually. Sin had entered the human race. The Bible teaches that from Adam until present time, mankind has been born spiritually dead, inherited down from Adam's sin. This is why humanity MUST be born-again. This is only possible through the Holy Spirit of God, which makes us alive again.

Yes, God created you, but He gave you a free will to decide for yourself where you will spend eternity. We are strangers passing through this world, living in a temporary "tent." Chose this day, the day of the Lord, for yourself, where will you end up when you die.

Thought for Today: You can wonder around lost, or receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, and be born again, dead to your sins and trespasses. Receive a new life, one that will last forever and give you a purpose and a direction.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Wonderfully Made

I have always enjoyed reading this Psalm of David. David, a king of Israel, was favored by God and wrote many psalms; sometimes they were psalms of anger, or vengenance, and other times, they were psalms of gratitude. David wrote 73 psalms.

In Psalm 139:1-14, David writes:

"Oh, Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.
You know when I sit down or stand up.
You know my thoughts even when I'm far away.
You see me when I travel and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord.
You go before me and follow me
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too great for me to understand!

I can never escape from your Spirit!
I can never get away from your presence!
If I go up to heaven, you are there;
if I go down to the grave, you are there.
If I ride the wings of the morning,
if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
even there your hand will guide me,
and your strength will support me.
I could ask the darkness to hide me and
the light around me to become night,
but even in darkness I cannot hide from you.
To you the night shines as bright as day.
Darkness and light are the same to you.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother's womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous - how well I know it."

This psalm reflects how David was in total awe of God and God rewarded David because David recognize God as being the magnificent God He was. How awesome is it that the God knows every hair on our head! He knew us before we were conceived in our mother's womb!

Sometimes we don't let people get to know us completely because we are afraid they will discover something about us that they won't like. But God already knows everything about us, and still He accepts and loves us. God is with us through every situation, in every trial - protecting, loving, and guiding. He knows and loves us completely.

David knew that God was with him every step of the way. God is omnipresent - He is present everywhere. Because this is so, you can never be lost to His Spirit. This is good news for the believer who knows and loves God, because no matter what we do or where we go, we can never be far from's God's comforting presence. (Romans 8:35-39)