Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Power of God

When we consider creation we can't help but wonder about the omnipotence of the God who brought it into being. All we see and know of His creation was called into existence by His Word. He created substance from nothing. (Genesis 1:1-2:3)

Our God hasn't changed. The God of creation is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His power hasn't diminished. In the book of Jeremiah, it states, "Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heaven and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you." (Jeremiah 32:16-29)

We are really blessed to know that we belong to a God such as this! But often because we are human and get busy with our day to day things, we forget about the awesome power of God. We become too busy with busyness that we take little time out of our schedule or activities to reflect about the goodness of God and just how awesome God is!

Have you ever looked at a sunset or a sunrise? Do you think man could have created such a thing? What a wonder! I think there is a song that goes like that by CeCe Winan, "He's a wonder, He's a wonder!" Our God is a wonder!

Most of all, as the author, Diane Head, says, "I forget what God can do for me; I forget He has the power to change those areas in my life that desperately need His touch. There are always a few undesirables that need to be discarded---gossip, yelling, gluttony, complaining, bitterness, fretting, jealousy, worry, pride, uncommitted struggles, impatience---all jammed way back into the corners (shudder!) (NIV, His Power)

Our lives are like closets that need to be cleaned and straightened out. But, by our own power, we just can't seem to change our lives. To bring about a permanent change of heart, we need more power than our tired, human selves can muster.

God reminds us in His Word that He is the door, all we have to do is knock and come on in. In Jeremiah 29:13, God tells His people, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

We have to desire to seek God and when we do, we can find Him. God doesn't hide or step away from us, we hide and step away from Him.

When we open the door and allow God's life changing power to enter in...step by step, moment by moment...He begins a good work in us.

As Ms. Head states, "Deadwood is cut out. Discipline is applied. Priorities are rearranged. In some areas, He works quickly. In others, painfully slow. But His timing is always perfect."

God works in His time and in His way, but we must be willing to trust Him with our lives.

It is hard to trust someone you don't know, but the Word of God says that door is always open. This mean He is always available to you. Also you can swing wide open those "closet doors" to your heart and let Jesus Christ exert His resurrection power, tenderly cleaning and straightening out your lives.

God desires that no one should perish, but should come into the revelation that the God who created the universe and created us, only desires the best for our lives. He wants us to live in eternity with Him.

Thought for Today: God's power is awesome! Once you experience His power, you will know it too.

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