Saturday, July 24, 2010

Twisting the Word of God

The Evangelist, Billy Graham, has an interesting column in our local paper today and I am quoting some from it.

Many people twist the words of the Bible.

I had an interesting conversation with my son in law about this same subject.
He wondered how a person could know whose interpretation of the word of God was correct when so many people had their own interpretation.

I don't know if I had the right answer for him, but one thing I do know that God is light and when you are walking in the light, the Holy Spirit will guide you to the correct interpretation of the Bible.

You must study the Word of God to understand it. The truths of the Bible will be revealed to you with help of the Holy Spirit.

Many people twist the words of the Bible to suit their own needs. Often people try to make the Bible say things that it doesn't really say, according to Mr. Graham. However, they can only do this because they have a tendency to look at just a small part of it and ignore the rest.

One woman wrote about her friend, who told her that the Bible even said "there was no God. What actual happened was that her friend only read part of the scripture which states in Psalm 14:1 which says "the fool says in his heart, there is no God."

Many people do this because if they had read the entire verse, they would not be able to twist the words to fit their needs.

Perhaps had the lady read the entire verse she would understood that only a fool believes there is no God. Evidence of God is all around us!

Some people twist the Bible to make it say what they want it to say, not what it really says. Another reason for doing this is people don't want to believe what the Bible clearly teaches: that we all are sinners and short of the glory of God. WE need Christ to cleanse us from our sins.

If a person were to admit they need Jesus, then that person would have to yield their life to Jesus Christ, and in the lady's case, she didn't want to do it obviously.

It is easy to find fault or to twist the Word of God because if ever gave our life to Christ, we would be new creatures, doing the will of God.

Praying that God is blessing you and that you are sharing your blessing with others.

Thought for Today: The Word of God was designed to help the people of God have the right interpretation. Yield to the Master!

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