Wednesday, August 18, 2010

7 Keys to Spiritual Growth

In Mature Living, an article entitled Seven Keys to Spiritual Growth was written by Pam Eason. I found some very and simple ways to grow spiritually and I will share them with you. Think of yourself in the Garden of Eden. God is the Master Gardener, and He has a perfect garden plan.

He knows how eye-catching his garden will look when each plant grows to maturity as it should. He knows how beautiful we will be full grown and He has arranged the perfect space in His garden for us. God did the hard part. Our part is easy. All we have do is----grow!

Here are seven steps to spiritual growth from the Master Gardener:

1. Root yourself in Christ. The apostle, Paul, in Colossians 2:6-8 reminds us, that to grow strong in faith, we must continue to follow Christ's example. We are reminded to get rid of ideas that are contrary to God's teachings.

2. Surround yourself with fertile soil. In Philippians 4:8, we are told that we will do best when we fill our minds with, and meditate on, things that are true, noble, just, lovely, good, and praiseworthy. You can do this by surrounding yourself with mature Christian friends.

3. Get plenty of light. The psalmist in Psalm 119:130 says, "the unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple." The principles in God's word are always right and God gives tips in His Word on how to survive in today's world.

4. Rejoice in the rain. In 1 Peter 5:10, we are reminded that "although you will be uncomfortable for awhile, after the rain God himself will restore you and make you grown stronger, firmer, and more steadfast." When you find yourself struggling, thank God and trust Him by understanding that God loves you and wants what is best for your growth.

5 Pull up the weeds and thorns. Get rid of the thing sin your life that are crowding you in and choking the life out of you. Hebrews 12:1 says "to thrown off everything that hinders and entangles you." Make a list of the worries and see what God has to say about each one. Believe God, grow, and produce.

6. Get pruned. Carefully rid yourself of your injured parts. Don't hold on to hurtful memories just ecause you have become comfortable with them. Lamentations 3:19-20 says that remembering the bad things that have happened to you will cause your soul to be downcast.

7. Drop some seeds. In Joshua 4:21-24, Joshua commanded the children of Israel to leave a memorial so that their children would know what God had done for them. Think of ways to drop some seeds of remembrance to let others know what God has done for you. Get rid of your pride and let the word of God speak truth through you.

On the other hand, the psalmist in Psalm 77 was in distress, he remembered what God had done for his people and it gave him comfort. In Isaiah 17:10-11, when God is forgotten and troubles come, even though we have put forth our best effort to solve our own problems, we will only gain grief and pain from the experience.

Use these 7 guidelines for optimal growth to mature where God has placed you. Remember, you are the perfect person for the place you're in. God planned for you to be where you are in advance. He knows just how beautiful you will look full-grown!

Thought for Today: Your spiritual growth is important to God.

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